The life history of Mulânâ Khuwaja Yaqûb-i Sâni al Hashimi el Uwaiys (May Allah Sanctify His Soul)

As Allah said in a Holy Hadith “My companions are under my firmament who are protected and safed and they continue their lives as numbers known by us…”


Allah make all of us grant to his protected and safed companions and make us together with them.


As-Sayyid Khwaja Mawlânâ Yaqûb-i Sâni al KHasimi (May Allah Sanctify His Soul) (qaddasallahu sirrah) was born in the middle of a cold march, in Fatih-İSTANBUL, at 1958.


His ancestries were originally from Baghdad but towards the last years of Ottoman Empire they were charged with a duty and were settled inOf – TRABZON, TURKEY. At last they immigrated to ISTANBUL.


Like all of the muslim childs, he also grew up in a religious manners and started to receive education.


As his ancestries are a family that become affiliated with education, he choosed to continue the same way.


He efforted to take the education firstly at the South-east cities of Turkey; Mardin, Siirt, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Adıyaman, after that he came back to Istanbul and continued his education.


According to the terms of the time he received all methods and branches of the educationsand qualified madrasah diploma(icazah).


He received education/training of sarf(knowledge), nahv (syntax), logic, tafseer, hadith, fıqh (fıqh of Khanefee and Shafee), bedii (esthetic), meani and tasawuf (sufisim)  from the Ulemas of Cizre; Şeyh Seyda and Nurullah Efendi, the ulemas of Bitlis; Şeyh Maşuk and Hoca Abdullah, the  Ulemas of Siirt; Molla Yahya ve Molla Burhaneddin.


Afterwards, He received the ilm of method, kelam, İslamic theology, and again fıqh, hadith, tafseer, siyer, history from Sadreddin Yüksel, Emin Saraç, Mehmet Savas, Ahmet Çigman, Kürsat Yaren, Ahmet Davudoglu, Ali Yakup in İstanbul. And he inculcated kıraat-ı aşere (Qur'an Recitation) from Mehmet Âşık Kutlu (prayer leader of Sanki Yedim Mosque, Fatih) and Kemal HUT (muezzin of Grand mosque, Kasımpasha).


Since his childhood, there has been a grand tendency to tasavvuf(sufism) in his creation. This tendency appeared more explicit when his age was much older and he felt himself obliged to take an education inward guidance.


His life oftasavvuf firstly started at the tariqa ofKadiri, but in later stages he continued the tariqa of  Nakshibandi. At a later time Allah combined the tariqas on him, he served especially the tariqas of Nakshibandi, Kadiri, Shadili, Mawlawi and KHalvati, and he was enlighted by the other tariqas.


Firstly, he took and diploma(icazah) of Nakshibandi Mujaddidi,from a person who was grand scholar(alim), canonist(fâqıh)and with virtue Es Seyyid Mevlâna Hüseyin Züvvâr el Karâçi (ks) from India, who is one of the most famous caliph of Mevlâna Ahmed Said el Pûri, at 1982.


Afterwards, in 1984, he took another diploma(icazah) of Kadiriyye-i Naciyye, Saziliyye-i Hassafiyye from Es Seyyid Muhyiddin Geylani el Bagdadi(ks). he is grandchild and famous caliph of Seyyid Kasim Kadiri el Bagdadi(ks).  who is accepted the second master of tariqah Kadiri after Abdulkadir Geylani(ks).


Subsequently, he took a icazah of Naksibendiyye-i Halidiyye from Mevlâna Abdussamed-i Ferhendi el Abbasi at 1993. He is one of the renowned caliph of Seyyid Abdülhakim Bilvanisi(ks).  who was the Grand Gaws of our times. He still lives in Madinah Munawwarah.


And he benefited apparently(zahiren)from Mehmed Zahid Kotku(ks).  , Hacı Salih Bilgin(ks).   who are Naqshibandi and from the chain of Gumushanewi; and from Ibrahim Yilmaz(ks).   and Avni Efendi(ks).   who are caliph of Ihramcizade Ismail Efendi; and also benefited inwardly(batınen) Murad-i Münzevi, (ks).   Abdulfettah-i Akri(ks).  Küçük Hüseyin Efendi(ks).


He gave the prosperity(feyz) which he took from his scholar to two person(Mustafa Hilmi Başar and Vahdettin Şimşek) has honored them as caliph.


He usually says that: “we believe that our tariqah is a tariqah godly (Rabbani),and our method is a method (Nabawi) and there is anAbu Bekirall of the methods Nabawi. Our ‘Abu Bekir’ and first caliph is Mustafa Khilmi Efendi. He is (Mustafa Khilmi Efendi) together with him about thirty years. He is like his eyes, like his speaking tongue. Their relation looks like Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and Hazreti Abu Bekir.


In the year 70s, he founded “Akıncı’s Organization” in different cities of Turkey and after that he became its general manager. Afterwards he did differents duties in the The National Salvation Party (Milli Selamet Partisi). But after the pollutions of the politics of Turkey, he devoted himself to education (ta’lim), exercise (tatbik), notification (tebliğ).


He worked as prayer leader, cours teacher, chaplain voluntary several years at the presidency of religious affairs of Turkey. But for taking his freedom he resigned and continuing his duties voluntary.


He founded HACEGAN YAKUP SANİ ASSOCIATON at 12.12.1995. With this association he gives exhibition to students, and financial supports to the poors. The conferences about actual and religious subjects are given for enlightening humans by means of this association.


Nowadays, he is continuing his serve at the Masjiid of Hâcegân Konaklari, in Erzurum, in Turkey and abroad. He is married and he has 2 children. Their names are Hatice Sevda and Mustafa Talha.